Domino Squad (1)
Basic info
First appearance: The Clone Wars (TV Series)
Parent: GAR Clone Cadet
Events: Overseeing Clone Cadets Training (Shaak Ti)
Known Facts (3)
Overseeing Clone Cadets Training (Shaak Ti) (3) »
Domino Squad was a clone trooper cadet squad of the Galactic Republic on Kamino during the Clone Wars. After its members passed their final test, Domino squad were transferred to an outpost in the Rishi maze, where they were attacked by commando droids. The clones were able to alert Galactic Republic forces, and the intruders were repelled.
Around 21 BBY, during the Clone Wars, the members of Domino Squad began their last set of practice tests, under the command of Bounty Hunters Siniteen drill sergeant Bric and El-Les. As their tests began, the members of Domino Squad could not function as a team, causing them to fail and costing them the chance of becoming ARC troopers when Commander Colt came to select potential ARC trooper Candidates. After failing their test once again, they were granted a retest by the Jedi General in charge of training, Jedi Master Shaak Ti. The morning of the training battle, Hevy attempted to go AWOL, but was talked out of it by 99, a reject clone and maintenance worker. Despite the bounty hunter Bric deliberately sabotaging them during their retest they were able to work together as a team and pass their final test, the Citadel Challenge.


See also
Related units, characters and technologies
Complete list
Clone Trooper Hevy in Training Armor (CW.41)
The Clone Wars (2010-11)
Clone Trooper Hevy in Training Armor (CW.41)
26378 / 94736
Tags (2)

Hevy | Clone Cadet

Overseeing Clone Cadets Training (Shaak Ti)

Last updated: 23.02.2022 0:30:07